Working capital loans create an ideal approach to the short-term financing needs of almost every business. Their primary contribution in an organization setup is to assist in covering specific internal financial functions like paying rent or restocking their inventory. One unique characteristic of these loans is that they are explicit to realizing a company’s short-term goals as they feature short and strict repayment terms. Here are some reliable lenders you can turn to for working capital financing if you do not qualify for a bank awarded one.


Ondeck is an online lender which is ideal for firms seeking working capital to meet their daily needs. It offers quick and easy to apply loans to small business owners who have a credit score of more than 600 and aim to expand their business in general. The benefit of this lender is that the loan awarding process can take less than a day, and the paperwork involved is significantly less compared to other players in the industry.

Credibility Capital

Another lender with attractive rates and conditions for working capital loans is the Credibility Capital team. It is an online lending platform that accepts loan applications from lenders with a credit score of not less than 650. If you are an organization seeking funds for large purchases and have strong credit, this prospect will guarantee you an excellent deal.


BlueVine is a lender that explicitly focuses on invoice factoring for businesses facing gaps in their cash flows. They accept applications from individuals with a minimum credit score of 530 and can turn unpaid invoices from customers into cash. Regardless of the size of the invoice, they can finance large invoices and provide the money within twenty-four hours of qualification. It would be wise to note that the lender does not offer working capital loans to businesses that don’t invoice on net terms.

Working capital loans can help your organization escape from a tight financial spot, and they are available from various sources. Banks are the most common sources, but online vendors and credit unions are becoming more popular. Contact New Horizon Capital Funding to discuss small business financing further and the available approaches your business can take.